Q&A for enthusiasts and power users of Windows Phone OS
SELECT t.TagName as Platform, DATEPART(YEAR, p.CreationDate) as Year, COUNT(DISTINCT p.Id) as Posts, AVG(CAST(p.Score as FLOAT)) as AvgScore, SUM(p.ViewCount) as TotalViews, COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN p.AcceptedAnswerId IS NOT NULL THEN p.Id END) as ResolvedIssues, COUNT(DISTINCT ph.Id) as ContentChanges FROM Posts p LEFT JOIN PostTags pt ON p.Id = pt.PostId LEFT JOIN Tags t ON pt.TagId= t.Id LEFT JOIN PostHistory ph ON p.Id = ph.PostId WHERE t.TagName IN ('expedia', 'booking-com', 'airbnb', 'hotels-com', 'tripadvisor') AND p.PostTypeId= 1 GROUP BY t.TagName, DATEPART(YEAR, p.CreationDate) ORDER BY Year DESC, Posts DESC;