select top 100 as [Post Link], p.Score as 'vot', max...


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Woodworking Meta

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select top 100 as [Post Link],
  p.Score as 'vot',
  max(a.Score) as 'max',
  p.AnswerCount as 'qty',
  datediff(day, p.CreationDate, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) / 30 as mos,
  round(30.4375 * p.ViewCount / datediff(day, p.CreationDate, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), 2) as 'freq',
  p.ViewCount as 'views'
from Posts as p
  left join Posts as a
  on a.ParentId = p.Id
where p.PostTypeId = 1
  and (p.ClosedDate IS NOT NULL
  or p.DeletionDate IS NOT NULL)
  and p.Body like '%solar%'
group by, p.score, p.viewcount, p.answercount, p.creationdate
order by p.ViewCount / datediff(day, p.CreationDate, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) desc

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